Member Benefits
Increase your visibility
- Company featured in CCIFP Members Directory
- Company featured in CCIFP Official Website
- Members News and Members of the Week in CCIFP Social Media Platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Viber and Instagram)
- Members Promotion in CCIFP Weekly Newsletter
- + Preferential rates for advertising opportunities
Expand your network
- Exclusive access to CCI France Philippines’ online directory and more widely to CCI international network
- Invitation to numerous networking events
Develop your business
Team France Export Business Services
- Market study
- Client Prospection
- Trade missions and delegations
- B2B arrangement
- Trusted partner program
Share your expertise
Committees of CCI France Philippines
- Infrastructure & Construction
- Sustainability
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Joint Maritime
- Young Professionals
- Business Conferences
- Global Events/Forums
- Sectorial Events
- Advocacy Events
- E-learning Events
- Entertainment Events
- Networking Events
- Gala Dinner
Carte Privilège
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Reach out to us
Vicente Madrigal Building, Unit 404, 6793 Ayala Avenue, 1226 Makati City, Metro Manila Philippines
*for delivery, you may use the parking entrance in Valero Access Road 3
(02) 7577 7688 | 0917 149 0685